Thursday, April 29, 2010

Internet Scavenger Hunt

Of Mice and Men
Hunting in the 1930’s

After reading the novel of Mice and Men you may still have some questions about the background information Steinbeck used to write the novel. This scavenger hunt will help you to answer questions about John Steinbeck and the Great Depression . Answer your questions in the text box and the post it. Good Luck!

1. Curley’s wife wanted to be a movie star. Visit here and locate the titles of five popular films produced between 1930 and 1937.

2. Do you think Curley’s wife would have became a movie star if Lennie did not kill her? Why or Why Not?
3. Name three popular movie stars from this period.

4. To view pictures of the great depression click here. Cut and paste a picture from the cite below. Then, write a paragraph creating a scene to fit into the novel. Explain what is going on and what characters are involved in the scene.

5. Why did you choose the picture above?

6. When viewing the pictures, how did they make you feel and why?

7. Click here to view a good website about John Steinbeck. Scroll down and on the left select “About John Steinbeck. That link will help you to answer the following questions:

When and where was Steinbeck born?
What was the title of his first novel?
When was he awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?
How many wives did Steinbeck have?
Where was Steinbeck buried?
List three other works written by Steinbeck

8. Click here to explore the Student’s Survival Guide and answer the following questions:

What is pugnacious?
Explain the allusion “an' spoke in the radio” found in chapter
Explain the idiom “wing-ding” found in chapter 3:

Click here to answer the questions 9, 10 & 11.
9. Name one event that was happening in the country or in the world in 1937?

10. Who were popular artists or sports figures in 1937 in our country? Name two.

Post your scavenger hunt! Congratulations!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Life of George Milton

If you were in George's position would you look after Lennie? Would you be as patient? Would you sacrifice for your job, stability and happiness? Why or why not?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Which Character Would You Choose?

If you could be one character in the novel, which one would you be and why?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Thoughts About the Novel

What do you think about the novel so far?

Aniticipation/ Reaction Guide

Continue to elaborate on some of the prompts you responded to in class. Also, feel free to pose different questions for your peers to respond to. I have posted the statements below.

  • People who are poor should rely on their friends, family, or church for help—not the government
  • A true friend will tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it.
  • The “n-word” is more offensive than other racial slurs because of the history of hate behind it.
  • Women today are more often treated by men as equals rather than objects.
  • States with the death penalty have lower murder rates.
  • The best place for justice to be determined is in a court of law.
  • Being rich is more important than having close friends.
  • Sometimes a person has to break the law to make sure justice is served.
  • Life today is more difficult than it was in the 1930’s.


Hi Class,
Welcome to the Of Mice and Men blog. Over the course of the next few weeks we will be visiting this blog to express some of our thoughts ideas and opinions. Just like in the classroom, we will be respectful of each individual's ideas and be open minded about everything that is expressed here. I think you all will enjoy this new method of expressing yourself.